My Partner is a Millionaire From Virginia
How to use these buttons to promote the Unique opportunity!

Click on any button to visit the website. Enter your name, phone number and email address.

Dreams begin with a purpose!

They take shape with a plan!

They come true with perseverance!

1. If you have not already completed a three way call to me with your new prospect, please do that as soon as possible. My phone number is . It is usually better to text me and see if I am available and set up a time to call. Be sure and have them watch the 20 minute video and review the web site before you call me. That is the first question I will ask them.

2. I really do want to have a "hands on" approach to all the fellow travelers in this wonderful exciting adventure. I care about you personally, and will work very hard to help you achieve the knowledge you need to make this work.

3. Do not be afraid to wear the button, or advertise it on bulletin boards or in the local newspaper. You may also put it on your personal website and use it for advertising. Be creative. It really works. If you want me to mail you a button, just let me know.

4. Here is how I use it. I wear it on my lapel when I go out in public. Grocery store, gas station, shopping, or business calls. I usually just stand in front of folks until they notice it. They will usually ask me what it is all about.

5. I simply say that I am working with a millionaire from Virginia, who is helping me learn about this unique opportunity. If I could honestly show you a System where you can generate $5000 a month, straight to your front door or bank account, with no selling, no explaining, and no convincing... would you like to hear about it? That is all I tell them. I then ask them if they have about 3 Minutes to listen to my 1-800 number and give it to them on a drop card. 1-800-846-1655. I usually ask them to text me their phone number and email address, since most folks have phones with them all the time. I tell them to listen all the way through the call, and leave me a voice mail at the end and I will get back with them with the web site information and the web site address of Ask if they have time to do this later on today or this evening?

6. I always give them a drop card with my phone number, my email address, and my website. Be sure and use your site and not mine. Follow up is the key to success. I ask them for their business card, and use the "two-time" approach to setting an appointment to call them back. "Do you think you will have time to review the web site by then? I have some time available on Thursday evening. Would 7 P.M. or 8 P.M. be better for you? Or Friday or Saturday evening?" Give them a choice.

7. Some times I will ask them if they are happy with their job, and prospering in their financial life. No one has ever told me yes to that question. Some like their job, but very few are happy with their finances.

8. Set yourself a goal of telling at least two-five people a day about this wonderful opportunity.

Keep good records. Use Excel spread sheet or a Word document. Make a folder on your computer titled Tidom, and then a sub folder with all your contacts names. Place each document you send to them into the folder for reference later on. Follow up is the key to success. Many folks are too busy right now, but keeping up with the contact is important, so they have you fresh in their mind. They will let you know when they do not want to hear about this anymore. Of course if you are in the Tidom business, you have a comprehensive web site to do all this for you. And you have an autoresponder to send your prospects follow up emails. Review your Tidom website and become very familiar with it. Sometimes I tell people that we have a neat business where we can find two customers and generate $80,000 plus a year in income. I put that on my Facebook page every few days.

Read other articles I have written.

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